For the Internal Audit module, there is a Snapshot database, which means BarnOwl automatically creates a snapshot of the Audit project when it is closed. This means that information captured in the project […]
8. IA: How can I edit an existing audit procedure (in the library) to be specific to only my project?
Library Audit procedures are copied into Audits. This means that while an Audit procedure can be Library linked, any changes made to the Library Audit Procedures will not affect the […]
7. RM: What is the difference between the risk register and the flat risk register? (and key advantages of using the flat risk register)
The Flat Registers in BarnOwl can give you a global view of the parent unit, and all linked child units. The flat registers are divided into two register views; the […]
6. RM: Which report/s can be used to view data form one period to another period?
You can use the following report in the reports menu to track trends in BarnOwl Trend reports on BarnOwl is configured to use the BarnOwl data periods. These data periods […]
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5. RM: How to unlink / remove a risk (or any other object) from a unit? (and mention in the answer the implication of the linked objects)
Items can be unlinked from the unit by using the Create / Link form. Right click on the item and select Create / Link > … In the Create / […]
4. RM: How to move risks and the linked items from one unit to another unit?
Multiple unit items and the linked items (with the exception of Action Plans) within a unit, can be moved from one unit, to another unit using the Apply Wizard. This […]
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3. GENERAL: Should a user have both user permissions and group permissions?
No, a user should have either individual user permissions or they should have group permissions.For more information on the related topics, click on the links below. […]
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2.GENERAL: Do I need to enter a username and password when we use NT (Windows) Authentication?
No, you do not need to enter a username or password when NT Authentication is used. This is applicable for both the BarnOwl rich modules and the BarnOwl Web. For […]
1.GENERAL: What permissions should a user have / permission the group should have for the Open (free) license users?
For Open (free) license users, the following fields should be ticked under the Application tab. For more information on the overview of permissions in BarnOwl, click here. […]
BarnOwl Newsletter: August 2024
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