Secret Messaging in Ads: How Effective is Marketing?

A typical mainstream explanation of advertising is – ‘The definition of advertising is a means of communication in which a product, brand or service is promoted to a viewership in […]

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Tip of the Month: Using the BarnOwl Workshop module

Did You Know? The BarnOwl workshop module is a highly effective way for facilitating interactive risk management workshops. The workshop module enables the identification of new risks, the rating of […]

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Tip of the Month: Creating Custom Fields on Audit Procedures in an Audit Project (v11.4.0)

Did You Know? Version 11.4.0 introduces the ability for auditors to configure additional BarnOwl fields to match the columns in sample test data (Excel) during audits and testing. This enhancement […]

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The Origins of Banking in the Wild West: From Gold Dust to Banking

The American Wild West of the 19th century is often romanticized as a land of cowboys, outlaws, and uncharted territories. Beneath the dramatic backdrop of dusty plains and rugged mountains, […]

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