Info Sharing Breakfast

The BarnOwl info sharing breakfast held on the 30th July 2015 was very well attended and focused on two topics, namely  ‘Cyber Security’ and ‘Combined Assurance’. We would like to thank our guest speakers; Craig Rosewarne, Managing Director, Wolfpack and Carla Clamp, Director, Business Risk Services, Grant Thornton for their time and insightful presentations.  

Info Sharing Breakfast

The BarnOwl info sharing breakfast held on the 30th July 2015 was very well attended and focused on two topics, namely  ‘Cyber Security’ and ‘Combined Assurance’. We would like to thank our guest speakers; Craig Rosewarne, Managing Director, Wolfpack and Carla Clamp, Director, Business Risk Services, Grant Thornton for their time and insightful presentations.  

Spotlight Session:BarnOwl Voting & Surveys

BarnOwl proudly presented a “Spotlight” session on 11th August 2015 on the topic of Voting, Surveys and Questionnaires. In this session customers experienced an in-depth look of BarnOwl’s voting and survey functionality plus the latest functionality was highlighted.                                   

Spotlight Session:BarnOwl Voting & Surveys

BarnOwl proudly presented a “Spotlight” session on 11th August 2015 on the topic of Voting, Surveys and Questionnaires. In this session customers experienced an in-depth look of BarnOwl’s voting and survey functionality plus the latest functionality was highlighted.                                   

Info Sharing Breakfast

The BarnOwl info sharing breakfast held on the 27th August 2015 was very well attended and focused on two topics, namely  ‘King IV – an update on the progress so far’ and ‘What makes an internal audit function a valuable asset’. We would like to thank our guest speakers; Gert Cruywagen, Director of Risk at

Info Sharing Session: The Role of Internal Audit in Integrating Reports

The BarnOwl info sharing breakfast held on the 29th October 2015 focused on the topic of “The Role of Internal Audit in Integrating Reporting” We would like to thank our guest speaker Albert Gerber, Chief Audit Executive of Pinnacle Holdings. Albert is a qualified certified internal auditor and also holds certificates in control self-assessment and risk

Info Sharing Session: The Role of Internal Audit in Integrating Reports

The BarnOwl info sharing breakfast held on the 29th October 2015 focused on the topic of “The Role of Internal Audit in Integrating Reporting” We would like to thank our guest speaker Albert Gerber, Chief Audit Executive of Pinnacle Holdings. Albert is a qualified certified internal auditor and also holds certificates in control self-assessment and risk

Spotlight Session: BarnOwl Reporting

BarnOwl proudly presented a “Spotlight” session on 17th November 2015 on the topic of Reporting. In this session customers experienced an in-depth look at BarnOwl’s extensive reporting capabilities plus the latest reporting functionality was highlighted.                                        We

Spotlight Session: BarnOwl Reporting

BarnOwl proudly presented a “Spotlight” session on 17th November 2015 on the topic of Reporting. In this session customers experienced an in-depth look at BarnOwl’s extensive reporting capabilities plus the latest reporting functionality was highlighted.                                        We

Spotlight Session: KRIS and KPIS in BarnOwl

BarnOwl proudly presented a “Spotlight” session on 27th January 2016 covering the topic of KRIs and KPIs. BarnOwl’s Key indicator functionality covers Risk indicators (KRIs), Control indicators (KCIs) and Objective indicators (KPIs). We highlighted features such as the ability to capture Key indicators in the Process or Template trees, building a library of re-usable standard