Did you know?
BarnOwl enables you to set Moderation mode for users working in BarnOwl Lite. Users make changes as usual, but when the Moderation session ends, it is not updated directly to the BarnOwl database. Instead, a moderator can review the changes that have been made, and can then either approve or reject changes. When the moderator is satisfied with the changes made by the moderation user, he/she can update the BarnOwl database.
Setting up Moderation Mode
Before users can start using Moderation mode, you need to configure the settings. This is done in the Server Management Console (General Setup > Moderation Mode).
You can specify each item which can be viewed by Moderation users. You can also specify fields to include in the Moderation mode per object.
In this example, the Control setup tab shows the fields (checked) which will be visible in the Control form in BarnOwl Lite.
The Control form in BarnOwl Lite displays only the fields which were checked in the Control Setup tab.
In order to set up Moderation mode, you require Server Management Console permissions. For detailed information on setting up Moderation mode, see BarnOwl Moderation Mode Settings.
Specifying Moderation Users
After you have configured the Moderation mode settings, you need to specify the users who will be working in Moderation mode. This is done in the User form in the Server Management Console.
Server Management Console > Security > Security Members > Users
Ensure that the Moderation User check box is selected. Checking this option will not have any impact on the user’s ability to view items in the BarnOwl Client (Rich Module), only in BarnOwl Lite. Remember to click when you have selected the checkbox!
Working in Moderation Mode
Moderation users log in to BarnOwl Lite in the same way as other users. When a moderation user has entered credentials, the BarnOwl logo at the top of the page will display “Moderation” to indicate that the logged-in user is working in Moderation mode.
Moderation sessions occur per unit. Each time you select a unit from the Organisational Structure tree, a new session can be started. You can have several open sessions at the same time for different units.
Open the register you want to work in by clicking the appropriate tile on the landing page.
In the Organisational Structure tree, select the unit for which you wish to view the register item(s).
The register is displayed, and shows this message.
Click the Start Moderation session button . The register information is loaded for the moderation session.
If a session is currently under review on a unit, you will not be able to start a new session until the review has been closed.
Work as usual in the registers and forms. The forms display (Moderation) in the header to indicate that the user is in Moderation mode.
After you have completed the changes required, you can stop the Moderation session, and submit changes for review by the Moderator.
In the register, click the button to stop the session. You will be prompted to send an e-mail to the item owner informing them that you have completed a moderation session.
The e-mail will be assigned to the unit owner(s) by default. However, you can change the e-mail recipient by selecting another user from the “To” drop-down list.
Click the Send Notification button.
When the email is sent, the session status changes to “Ready to Review”. The person receiving the email (the Moderator) will be able to view the changes you have made, and can update the database.
Managing Moderation Sessions
Moderation sessions are managed in the BarnOwl Client (Rich Module) by the Moderator. In general, the Item owner will be the moderator, but any user with the correct unit permissions and Workshop Read/Write permissions can moderate a session.
To review a moderation session:
- In the Moderation Session register, select the session you wish to moderate. Right-click, and from the context menu, select View> Data.
The Moderation Session Results View form opens.
Items which have been changed display a red flag icon .
Hover your mouse over the flag to view which fields have been changed.
If a new item (risk, control etc) has been added during the moderation session, this is indicated by the icon. In this example, a moderation user added a new action plan to the control “Site Record Keeping and Filing System”.
An item which was deleted during the moderation session will be highlighted in red. Deletions require permissions.
To update the database:
- In the Moderation Session Results View form, mark the session closed by clicking the
Select the items where changes have been made. Right-click a line and click “Select all” from the menu to select an item and its child items.
Click the button. All selected items will be updated. Any changes which have not been selected will be discarded.
Updating the BarnOwl Database
You can update the changes made during a moderation session to the BarnOwl database by selecting the “Updated” status.
In the Moderation Session register, select the moderation session, right-click and select Manage > Status.
In the Set Status form, select “Updated” from the Status drop down list, and click to update the BarnOwl database.